Simone Tambasco Apps

GeoGuess - Guess the photo 1.1
Join more than 16000 players and guesswhichcontinent, country, and city photos were taken in.Upload your favorite photo of a specific place, or try toguesswhere other photos were taken.Try to upload only photos that are representative of a place –noone’s interested in seeing your bathroom :)POINTSIf you guess where a photo was taken correctly, youwinpoints:• 2 points for continents• 15 points for countries• 20 points for citiesATTEMPTSYou have three attempts to guess countries and cities, but youlosepoints for incorrect guesses:• 3 points for the first incorrect guess• 2 points for the second incorrect guessIf you fail to guess correctly, you lose 5 points.HINTSFor countries and cities, you can spend 5 points to be toldeitherthe first letter of the place name, or how many letters longitis.UPLOADING and SOCIAL INTERACTIONSYou get 3 points for uploading photos, and 200 points for sharingalink to the game’s website on Twitter or Facebook.PRIZESEach month (and randomly each week) the player who has gainedmostpoints in that time will win a prize. The prize changes everytime,and you can see what it is in the Prizes tab.To make sure you can be contacted in case you’re a winner,ensureyou use a valid email address. And don’t cheat.For informations, to sponsor your product on the "Prizes"sectionor simply to help with the translations, contact